Rembrandt 2 Hour Whitening Kit


I've tried all kinds of at home remedies for teeth whitening. The strips, the toothpaste, even some "magical hollywood" crap, which was in fact, crap. My problem with the stripes and the toothpaste is it takes too long. The strips two weeks, the paste - could take months. So, I was intrigued by something that would only take two hours, for $20 some bucks. Worth a shot.

Because I am nothing if not instant gratification girl.

Process is simple enough. They give you these molds for your teeth, that once you sit them in hot water for a few seconds, you can mold them to your own teeth. You put the gel in, and wear for 20 minutes, four times, with a 10 minute break in between each 20 minute session.

My play by play thoughts are below.


1st 20 minute session - Having a difficult time figuring out how to talk with these things in my mouth, and my daughter won't leave me alone. I ripped them out to say "what?" and all the goopy stuff stayed in my mouth and almost made me gag. I've calmed down now - and have decided to just not talk. This stuff doesn't taste great.

1st 10 minute break - Slight tingle, like I just got a really good cleaning at the dentist. But no noticeable pain.

2nd 20 minute session - I think I'm getting the hang of it. I'm still not talking, which I'm sure is a nice change of pace for my husband. He's used this time to go upstairs and hide in his office. My big gulp is sitting in front of me and beckoning me to drink....This is a very long 20 minutes. The directions didn't SAY I couldn't drink. There's a bit of a tingle in my gums...but more like I'm chewing on 14 pieces of spearmint gum.

2nd 10 minute break - Do I screw up my results if I drink soda in between sessions?

3rd 20 minute session - Now it feels like I have the previously mentioned 14 sticks of spearmint gum, with a chaser of Listerine. Tingle seems too light of a word for what this is. Again, no pain - but certainly not something I would want to taste everyday. Is this stuff safe to swallow...because it's impossible to not swallow for 20 minutes. Trust me - I'm currently trying it.

3rd 10 minute break - My stomach is starting to hurt a bit - or I'm just imagining it. I think I've swallowed more of this stuff than what's actually stayed on my teeth.

4th 20 minute session - While although I've totally got the hang of this, I briefly looked in the mirror before my last session. I see no difference what so ever. Unless the last tube of this stuff is magic, I don't see how this is going to work.


Ok, I'm done - and....nothing. Not any difference what. so. ever.

I'm actually pretty bummed about it - We're getting some professional photos taken tomorrow and I was excited about having a whiter smile.

I've read A LOT of reviews on this product, and they are extremely varied. Some have experienced pain and extreme sensitivity - while others have said it worked great.

I'm not necessarily saying the product does not work, but I am saying that it didn't work for me. There is always a margin of user error with home products (maybe I didn't make the molds as good as I could have, etc)

I'm going to go eat something now, and hopefully that will settle my stomach.

Have you tried it? Let us know what you think in the comment section.

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