Handy Tip

By Kerrie at The Minivan Soapbox

Hanging out with the family over the weekend, my mother told a story of something that happened a while ago and I thought this was a perfect place to post it.

A long time ago my mother was in the kitchen, doing what mom's did in the kitchen. Apparently I was off doing whatever 8 year olds did, and my sister was in her room - - she was probably grounded for something. Anyway, mom is in the kitchen trying to carve into something in such a way that would give Chef Ramsey and Tom Collicio heart palpitations....when the next thing you know...she's carved her hand instead of the food.

She used every roll of paper towels she had - plus all the dish towels...Still wouldn't stop the bleeding. She managed to make it upstairs and asked my sister to go get the neighbor to take her to the hospital. Neighbor lady came over and ripped off the bottom portion of a brown paper grocery bag and wrapped it around my mom's hand.

Stopped the bleeding.

Something about the weave or the makeup of the brown paper bag...but regardless....my mother swears by it.

I've asked my husband a few times in the last couple days to stab himself with a kitchen knife so I could see for myself...But he isn't all that interested. So, I guess we'll have to take my mom's word for it.

So - Handy Tip - Have some grocery bags around for those nasty cuts.


Anonymous said...

Niiice! I could have used that trick Thanksgiving Day a few years back when I confused the tip of my index finger for part of the onion I was dicing.

Posted by: Liz C | June 24, 2008 at 09:18 AM